Once selected for the course, failure to complete it means that the student will not be allowed to graduate. "Mom, I got straight A’s but they won’t let me graduate because they say I’m too fat!" This can’t be legal, can it?
First of all Lincoln U uses a BMI of 30 or above as grounds for forcing students to take the fitness course. Here is one big problem with this inane plan – BMI is determined with only 2 variables – height and weight – but of course body type (morphology) and muscularity can play havoc with this system. For example I weighed 247 this morning and I’m 5’10" – and NOT fat! I am a bodybuilder with large amounts of muscle on my fairly heavy boned frame and my stomach muscles are plainly evident – the typical ‘6 pack’ – but my BMI is an obese 35.4. So apart from the unfairness and probable unconstitutionality of Lincoln’s fat prejudice, they use a ridiculous method to determine obesity. Note that the majority of NFL athletes come out as obese on the BMI scale.
Lincoln University is traditionally a black college and so it would seem reasonable that they would be sensitive to issues concerning prejudice. Yet they have implemented a most disgusting program that totally alienates many students and undermines their feelings of self worth. What right do those fat bigots have to judge a student on their appearance or health or eating habits? This reeks of Nazi Germany and it policies. I hope those protesting the Uni’s policy triumph. Next we will have Walmart and MacDonald’s forcing employees to lode weight or lose their jobs. This is a prime incidence of "1984" with Big Brother toting a scale.