Why Conrad Murray’s Days As A Doctor Could Be Numbered

Dr. Turi McNamee blogs for True/Slant about why Conrad Murray’s days as a doctor could be numbered, regardless of his prospects of dealing with the criminal justice system:

It seems obvious that Mr. Jackson’s demands for more medication and Dr. Murray’s concerns for his health were at odds–Dr. Murray admitted that he was worried “Jackson was getting addicted” and reduced the dose of propofol. I also mentioned in an earlier post that Dr. Murray had been spotted carrying oxygen tanks out of Jackson’s room–an indicator that the pop star’s respiratory centers were at risk of being depressed so much by the sedatives that he needed supplemental oxygen to stay alive. Dr. Murray seemed to know that he had a problem on his hands.

But it doesn’t appear he was willing to do what was necessary to address the problem.   You could argue that Dr. Murray was taking steps in the right direction by reducing the dose of propofol. However, propofol is not indicated for use as a sleep aid, so to be using it at all in this situation, especially when not in a clinical setting, is quite problematic. Moreover, it looks like he was using it in combination with several other drugs with sedative properties. Finally, according to a CBS newscast this morning, it seems Dr. Murray didn’t even admit he had given propofol to Jackson until two days after his death.

Administering inappropriate medications in the setting of suspicion of addiction plus suppression of pertinent patient information equals unethical behavior and just plain bad medical practice, in my book. I would be shocked if he was allowed to keep his medical license. I hate to say it, Dr. Murray, but I think you may have cooked your own goose.