André Leon Talley can’t fill Miss J’s puffy sleeves

Try as he might, André Leon Talley just couldn’t fill Miss J’s delicious puffy sleeves.  There is just something about the Queen Diva Extroardinaire that Talley will never be able to live up to, it’s called PERSONALITY.

We had to wait half way into the show for our Miss J dose, but it was well worth the wait, he was absolutely divine. Miss J gathers the girls for a lesson in runway walking. First they learn how to walk while taking off a coat, and then he tests them by sending them out into traffic! Miss J says "Your beauty should be able to stop traffic".

Creepy Gabrielle and one of my favorites, Naduah got the boot.  Gabrielle deserved to go, but  Naduah didn’t. There are a few catty biatches that could have certainly gone before her, well, there is always next week.