Angry Patrick’s Weekly Rant – If You Can Stomach It! [06.08.10]

OK….so I overslept on monday. And by overslept I mean I went to sleep Sunday and woke up Tuesday. And before you ask, I am 100% certain it had absolutely NOTHING to do with anything called Jagermeister or Patron. So stop being so damn judgmental.

This week I release the angry Kraken on …

1) BP invites Avatar Director James Cameron to help solve the oil spill crisis. Yeah, I’m sure the Na’Vi can help.
2) Heidi and Spencer’s friend talk about the breakup, her brainwashing and how he got punk’d out by Spencer. He admitted that? Wow.
3) A man gets caught masturbating at Arby’s near the drive thru. No, he wasn’t in his car. he was au natural by the tree and making eye contact with everyone. Arby Sauce will never mean the same thing to me again.

Don’t listen to this if you think the Na’Vi will save the planet or if you are a huge fan of Arbys. Wouldn’t wanna ruin your lunch.

Robyn Good: