Angry Patrick’s Weekly Rant – [06.21.10]

Here in the states Sunday was Father’s Day and what better way to spend it than ignoring my kids so I can abuse the world’s greatest douchebags for your pleasure. Seriously, do I really need yet ANOTHER mug that says World’s Greatest Dad? Why can’t my kid’s get me something cool like a Bongzilla? Anyway…

This week was more fertile than Octomom’s uterus and yielded some excellent douchefruit.

1) Courtney Love takes more nude pics of herself and posts them for the world to see. Barfbag futures jumped 30% overnight.

2) The World Naked Bike Race began. Nothing like having your junk right by a giant spinning wheel of metal to make for a great day!


3) The United States FDA rejects a female Viagra because, well because it’s stupid.  Wanna know why female Viagra WILL NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER WORK? Then push play.

Robyn Good: