Angry Patrick Rant: Tuesday Edition Edition [08.10.10]

Well, here we are again you lovers of Celebrity Dirty Laundry….back at Angry square one.   Yep, I thought….maybe…just maybe this week I wouldn’t have a need to shoot myself with a tranquilizer gun just to sleep but then came The Duggars.   Many of you may not know I am from Arkansas and, as such, The Duggars are as famous as it gets here.  Why?   Because she is about to have her 20th natural child.   I said 20th.  I bet when her OBGY listens to the baby he hears the uterus whisper….“Help. Me. For God’s sake, call the police!”

I am infuriated on her uterus’ behalf. Please support the rescue of this abused uterus by pushing play.

Robyn Good: