Anna Faris Accidentally Sexted Her Father

In a new interview with Ellen DeGeneres that’s set to air on Tuesday, Anna Faris has revealed a big ‘oops’.

And a big ‘oops’ it was too….it’s something that you should hope to never do, otherwise you won’t be able to look dear old dad in the eyes, ever again.

Anna told Ellen that she accidentally sent her dad a sexy text message. She said that she used to send sexy texts to her husband, Chris Pratt, but one time, it didn’t go to him, it went to her dad instead. She said, “But one time I was sending him a text and I accidentally sent it to my dad. I wrote, ‘I can’t wait to see you in bed tonight'”.

She later apologized to her father on television, a year after she made the goof. She went on to reveal that the sexting didn’t stop there. She said, “There was a close call with my husband’s nephew who’s like nine years old. We’ve stopped now.”

Do you sext?

Roberta Ferguson: