Author Michalla Bolton Brings Inspiration and Motivation to a Book

Just as she has spread her own wings, Author Michalla Bolton encourages children to reach for the skies in her new book “Harold the Duck Learns to Fly.”  Although Bolton has a promising career in the spotlight, she also wants to pass on what she has learned to a new generation of children through her writing. 

“My grandparents always taught me to be positive and try my hardest. I wanted to take what I’ve learned and share that with children. Share the fact that you can do anything if you just believe in yourself,” Bolton said. 

The author sees a need for more books like hers that reinforce the values of determination, team work, inner hope, and confidence in a charming, fun-filled way.  In addition to writing for children, Bolton will also help children by donating one dollar from every book purchased to All Children’s Hospital, where she herself was treated as a child.

“This book has a lot to offer; enchanting pictures by known artist Danielle Feliciano, information on animals, a positive message and fun rhymes. Hopefully it will provide education and entertainment.”   Bolton commented.  

Bolton hopes to ignite within children the passion to read, learn, imagine, and to always keep fighting for your dreams no matter your age.   When asked how she identifies with her audience, Bolton says that it is easy because “I’m really still a kid at heart.”

Also they can order her book  HERE

Robyn Good: