Bristol Palin Says “Levi Is A DeadBeat Dad” He Says “No Way”!

So Bristol Palin wants a share of the money Levi Johnston made baring it all for Playgirl.   She is asking for child support for her and Levi’s son Tripp and is looking for backpay.  Bristol in a sworn document said  "I have received limited and sporadic financial assistance from Levi."   Bristol says she has only received $4,400 over the 13 months of Tripp’s life and that is not enough.  Meanwhile Levi’s lawyers are saying "Not True" he has paid Bristol more than $10,000.

I guess Bristol thinks Levi is going to continue to rake in the dough.  Doesn’t she realize his "15 minutes of fame" are coming to a close.  She will probably be hard pressed to get much money from him in the future.  Photo: Fame Pictures

Robyn Good: