Brown University Expelled Him But Ted Turner Says Fox News’ Popularity Like Adolf Hitler’s?!

Rubert Murdoch the brilliant owner of Fox News which is trouncing CNN (founded and formerly owned by Turner) in the ratings was accused by Turner of "dumbing down the news."   Well I have a Ph.D. in Economics (from Brown where I didn’t get expelled – LOL) and when I want to know what is actually happening in the world I log onto Fox News but when I want to get the politically correct dumbed down version of the truth I tune in to CNN.  

In fact Fox is often the only American based network to cover controversial stories that might be uncomfortable for major Washington political interests – CNN typically just pretends the issues don’t exist.   In fact an unbiased reading of CNN and Fox shows that is CNN’s reporting which is badly skewed and replete with political favoritism.   Sounds like Ted Turner is simply envious of his business rival and superior Rupert Murdoch.   But representing Fox as analogous to Hitler and the Nazis seems a bit extreme even for a jerk like Turner.  Photo: Fame Pictures

Dr. Jody Overland: