‘Dancing With The Stars’ Season 11 – Week Five Recap

Previously on Dancing With The Stars “The Situation” got too hot and went critical.  In other words he was voted out last week.  Who is going home this week remains to be seen.  It is 1/2 through the season and this week the judges are going to tell the celebs what they have to do to improve.  This week is TV Theme Week each couple will dance to a theme song from popular television shows.

Audrina Patridge and Tony Dovolani – Len things Audrina is talented and that there is no reason she could not win.  He feels her waltz was her best dance.  Tonight they are dancing.  They are going to dance the Rumba to the theme from the TV show The Hills.   Len thinks she looks a little intimidated.  Bruno think she has improved and she tried hard but she did not have the passion the rumba needed.  Carrie Ann thought the hip down was great but the top was dead.  So far the worst dance of the evening.  Scores: Carrie Ann, 7 Len, 8 Bruno, 8 Total = 23.

Kyle Massey and Lacey Schwimmer – Bruno thinks Kyle is a star entertainer he has an instinct for the stage.  Bruno’s favorite dance was the Cha Cha.  The are going to dance the Foxtrot to theme from the TV show Charlie’s Angels.    Bruno says it was fun but not enough foxtrot.  Carrie Ann disagrees she think Kyle was focused on the technique.  Len says it started bad and gradually got worse.  He thought it was terrible.  Scores:  Carrie Ann, 8 Len, 5 Bruno, 7 Total: 20

Brandy and Maksim Chmerkovskiy –  Carrie Ann says Brandy is improving on a lot of her things but she needs to work on her spot.  If she starts to be more confident she could go right to the top.  Carrie-Ann’s favorite dance was her Rumba.  They are going to dance the Quick Step to the theme from the TV show Friends.  The dance was very cute and very impressive.  There best dance so far this season.   The judges love their performance.  Scores: Carrie Ann,  9 Len,  9 Bruno, 9 Total =  27.

Kurt Warner and Anna Trebunskaya, Len thinks Kurt is a true champion.  Len thinks Kurt has to be working on his foot work.  Len thinks Kurts best dance was the jive.  They are going to dance  the Quick Step the to theme from the TV show Bewitched.  They were really good – Carrie Anne compared Kurt to Gene Kelly.  Overall the judges loved their performance.  Scores: Carrie Ann, 8 Len, 8 Bruno, 8 Total =24.

Bristol Palin and Mark Ballas, Bruno thinks Bristol has guts and  great musicality.  She is not an entertainer she has to learn how to become a character.  Bristol is not very comfortable about being sexy.  Bruno’s favorite dance was the quick step. They are going to dance the Jive to the theme song from the TV show the Minkeys.   They are dressed like monkeys for the dance.  Len liked the monkey suits – he wished they kept them on longer.  He said the dance was fun.  Bruno loved the gorillas in the twist.  The technique went down the tubes.  Carrie Ann saw a real transformation she liked it although there were a few mistakes.  Scores: Carrie Ann, 6 Len, 6 Bruno, 6 Total = 18.

Florence Henderson and Corky Ballas, Len says Florence is 76 years old and still has it.  Her timing is great she surprises him.  Florence biggest trouble that she cannot compete with some of the young ones in the physicality.  She has try to dance with a little more artistry.  Len’s favourite dance was the rhumba.  They are going to dance  The Tango to the theme song from The Brady Bunch.   Len said she got to week 5 because of her talent.  Len thought it was her best dance so far.  Scores: Carrie Ann, 7, Len, 7 Bruno, 7 Total = 21.

Jennifer Grey and Derek Hough, Carrie-Ann is impressed she put everything into it but sometimes her nerves get the best of her.  She needs to get her nerves under control.  Carrie-Ann’s favorite dance was the Argentina Tango.  They are going to dance the Foxtrot to the theme song from Married With Children.  Bruno loved it.  Carrie Ann thought it was good but not her best.  Len thought the actual dance was lovely but a bit too theatrical.  Scores: Carrie Ann, 8 Len, 8 Bruno, 9 Total = 25.

Rick Fox and Cheryl Burke, Len comes out and embracing the character when he comes out.  The first thing you look at when a dancer comes on the floor is posture and Rick has to improve his and he needs to move faster.  They are going to dance the Rumba  to the theme song from Hill Street Blues.  Carrie Ann loved it and thought it was hot!  Bruno thought he was mega smooth.  Len was not crazy about it.  Scores: Carrie Ann, 8 Len, 8 Bruno, 8 Total = 24.

Robyn Good: