Devon James Now Admits Tiger Sex Tape ‘A Spoof Tape’

So finally porn star Devon James finally admits what the whole world knew – The Tiger Woods Sex Tape is a fake!   On the website where the tape is currently for sale you can see behind her name in a very light grey the words ‘spoof tape’.   This was added today [11.05.10]  After months of telling huge whoppers about having taped romps of tiger in the sack with her she has decided to come clean.  This is something we knew a long time ago and certainly Tiger Woods did too which  is probably why he was so unconcerned about the claims.

But now — after a RadarOnline.com investigation caught James and her husband Nick in a plethora of lies — Devon’s scam has ended not with a bang, but with a whimper.

Devon and her husband were caught in so many lies and inconsistencies they could not longer keep the lie going.  It will be interesting to see if Tiger will sue them.  My guess is he won’t he will probably just be able to see them go away.

Robyn Good:
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