Earsucker to cover MTV Video Music Awards Red Carpet & liveblogging!

Our dear friend one of the nicest people out there and one of the best entertainment, celebrity bloggers on the planet,  Roberta over at Earsucker  is live blogging the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards!

She’s dispatching her handy, awesomely talented Pandie Suicide to cover the news straight from the red carpet.   She’ll be checking in with Roberta, providing pics and whatever mischief they’ll let her get into.

During all of her cool adventures, the fine editors at Earsucker will be toiling away, liveblogging the awards, from the comfort of their homes.

Keep your eyes on this site  www.earsucker.com!   Showtime starts at 9pm EST on September 12th!  Don’t miss all the fun!

Robyn Good: