FBI Now Involved – Lindsay Lohan’s Stalking Takes A Serious Turn

Lindsay Lohan and some other members of the Lohan family have been receiving strange and even threatening telephone text messages – and Lindsay’s people believe strongly that Sam Lufti is responsible for some.  This despite dear old dad Michael Lohan’s claims that Sam is not responsible – of course given Michael’s history of lying, cheating and stealing at every opportunity nobody can believe anything he says.
Now it comes out that mom Dina and brother Michael Jr. have also been receiving strange text messages – so it appears that threat-texting the Lohan family might be becoming a growth industry in Southern California.  These messages range from cursing out Dina to warning them to avoid Michael and Sam.
Dina has had enough and is spooked by this terror-texting – so she has contacted the FBI and handed over the information to them.  Apparently they are now on the case… . 

Dr. Jody Overland:
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