Fight for Howard Stern Begins; Will He Leave Sirius?

Via PopEater fans of shock jock Howard Stern may be in for a change of pace when his contract with Sirius Satellite Radio expires at the end of 2010.  Stern, who signed on with Sirius in 2006, may not be renewed by the satellite network, who came close to bankruptcy in 2009 before selling a 40 percent stake to Liberty Media Corp.

The radio host is once again being wooed by former employer Clear Channel, although media outlets are calling Stern’s return unlikely in light of his previous feud with the conservative company, who dropped him from six of their stations in 2004. The break between Stern and Clear Channel came on the heels of the media outlet incurring nearly half a million dollars in FCC fines due to Stern’s controversial content.   To read the rest of this story visit PopEater.  Photo: Fame Pictures

Robyn Good: