Fox News Selects Britney Spears as “Celebrity of the Decade” – We Are Not Amused!

Britney Spears is the poster child for the characterless mediocrity that mainstream entertainment has become since being taken over by corporate America.  Neither a great singer nor songwriter – not even particularly beautiful or sexy, Britney Spears, or as we refer to her, "BS," exemplifies much of what is wrong wth America and the Western World today.   What has BS shown us? – let’s write a short list of her prominent characteristics : serious substance abuse, sexual promiscuity, and neglect bordering on abuse of her children – oh yes, let’s not forget failed marriages.

BS is shallow bordering on hollow. She makes talented pop artists like Joni Mitchell, Tina Turner, and even Cher seem like brilliant goddesses by comparison. Tell me, except for her massive earnings who would wish to have a daughter, sister, friend, or wife like Britney Spears… that’s right, nobody. Celebrity of the decade?  No way, no how, never.  Photo: Fame Pictures


Dr. Jody Overland:
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