Friday Blind Items!

Friday Blind Items!

Okay everybody I know you would rather be out on a hot date this Friday night but hey at least guessing these Blind Items with me you’ll save money and there is absolutely no danger of catching an STD ;-)   Besides it’s fun to test our brain power and try to guess which celebrity each one of the great blind items below refers to.   I haven’t come up with the answers yet but I am going to give you a couple of guesses.    What do you think?  Help me out with the answers – leave a comment with who you think they are.

  1. This female talk show host clearly has issues with weight. Her own weight has varied over the years, and she regularly admires and comments on the bodies of thin guests when she greets them “Look how tiny your waist is!”. She doesn’t say anything about the appearance of regular-sized or plus-sized guests. Well, not to their face, anyway. A recent show was supposed to feature a cooking segment with a celebrity chef. Before the show started, the host cattily commented to a few staffers that the chef looked a lot heavier than last time, and puffed out her cheeks to illustrate the point. She then said how glad she was that the chef had packed on the pounds, and gleefully exclaimed how tiny she would look by comparison.  BLIND GOSSIP   

    Maybe Oprah?

  2. Young star of the moment was getting some action once and things were progressing along nicely until the boy headed down there and discovered that her situation was so unkempt, “like even more than the 70s”, he had to tap out. It was how she learned the importance of grooming. On a personal note though, let’s make this sh-t fair: maintenance goes both ways. It’s not just a female responsibility, male deforestation is a requirement too. Carry on then with your guesses now. LAINEY GOSSIP

    Wow, I am stumped no idea.

  3. This former almost A list female television actress and now a struggling C+ movie actress has been trying to get some good roles again. Her plan? She has been sleeping with different agents, producers and directors on an almost nightly basis CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS

    Again I have no idea – do you know who this is?

  4. This breakout star of the hottest reality show on right now, refuses to talk to castmates unless he is getting paid or filming. He has also hired a staff and has started doing blow more frequently. CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS

    Sounds like The Situtation to me.  What do you think?