Introducing James Holzier: Hot New Hollywood Hottie

When you take a look at this stunning heart throb you will want to just eat him up!   James Holzier is the most desirable young actor in today’s Hollywood.   Born August 11 in Fairfax,Virginia, this talented wunderkind has a fine character as well as plenty of talent – he turned down a role in the movie “The Postman” to honor his commitment to complete his high school play.

After graduating  from Clear Lake High school in Houston, Texas, James worked in plays and did national commercials.  While that work was fun and educational for the young star, he quickly rose to his inevitable destiny and began working in feature films.

The people at RobertPattinson.biggestfanever.com called James the next Robert Pattinson!  Additionally the site Fandango.com just named Holzier as one of the top emerging male celebrities.  Despite all this, James remains modest and this is a pleasing aspect for such a handsome and gifted talent to possess.

Our great hunk has already been associated with such starlets as Anne Hathaway, Scarlett Johansenn, and Lynsey Fonseca.  To date even one of these luscious babes is beyond the reach of any but the most special of men, but to date all three, well what can we say!  Apart from his swinging love life our hero is in the big productions “Live For Us” and “Playing The Card” with several other major film projects on the horizon. 

 Get used to seeing James Holzier and hearing his name – he is a pretty boy who is here to stay!

Robyn Good: