Is Lindsay Lohan Toying With The Law in Order to Make a Buck?

Is it conceivable that Lindsay Lohan is getting into all this trouble lately sort of on purpose?

At first the answer looks like a certain “no” simply on the grounds that we have seen her crying and under obvious duress during her arrests and courtroom appearances, plus we also assume that people are like us and do not want to get arrested and go to jail! But when we reach behind the scenes and examine the economic realities of the little tramplet’s lifestyle, the probabilities of her wanting to remain on the right side of the law change radically.

Furthermore, when we recall that she wrote “F@!* YOU” on her fingers and made sure that all could see it in court, as well as blatantly failed her drug tests, missed mandated court appearances and failed to attend her required alcohol awareness classes, Lohan’s interest in staying legal and out of trouble dwindles to the point where we don’t believe it any more.

What sparked our initial interest in this question, the idea that Lindsay might be trying to get into trouble in order to push herself into the public eye, was the story we printed here that Lohan was having trouble making the $300,000 bail set by Judge Schnegg last Friday.

Granted $300,000 is a lot of money, but frankly, not by Hollywood ‘A’ list criteria and this leads us to the core of the problem. Lindsay is broke!

According to an inside family source, and just plain common sense, it has been quite some time since LiLo has earned the big performing bucks that came her way when she was starring in movies and concerts.

The same insider let it slip that most of Lohan’s earnings these days come from selling out – literally selling her own sad pics and stories to the trash trade including some blogs and gossip mags. There was a time when Lohan was earning really big money – 11 million dollars in 2007 – but this year that amount has dwindled to a small fraction of that. Still a very respectable amount when viewed from the perspective of an average American but the average American doesn’t spend 10’s of thousands per week on designer clothing and jewelery, get driven about town by expensive bodyguards in 1/2 million-dollar automobiles, stay in $10,000 per night top hotel penthouses, fly all over the world at her whim, consume tons of expensive illegal drugs, and last but certainly not least pay huge legal fees!!

Lindsay Lohan needs to earn literally close to $100,000 every week to live in the style to which she has become accustomed. Our hunch is that when faced with the grim financial prospects detailed above, Lindsay had a serious sit down with her financial and legal advisers and decided to go to the Cannes Film Festival knowing full well this decision would lead to plenty of “heat,” – which it certainly did.

All of the legal hassles and subsequent front page notoriety have raised the marketable value of Lindsay back to where she can support herself and her habits through self-exploitation through the media.

Selling oneself is a low art that people like her, her parents – Dina and Michael, Paris Hilton, Levi Johnston, Kim Kardashian, and that truly disgusting team of Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt have mastered and brought to a new level.

No longer do the acting, singing, dancing and even the good looks of a star comprise their critical set of relevant characteristics. Now their abilities in bed and their willingness to make and ‘leak’ sex tapes as well as their drug and alcohol problems are what it seems we want to know about most.

Before we dump too heavily on Lindsay and other similar celebs we need to take a hard look at ourselves and our own standards. What I am saying here is why is it that we are so drawn to this gossip and low level scandlemongering? If we had higher standards ourselves then there would be little market for this type of material and stars would not be able to capitalize on their own misbehavior and character flaws.

Thankfully our standards are nice and low and the stars appear more than willing to keep us satisfied and entertained with details of their own sordid lives!

Article first published as Is Lindsay Lohan Toying With The Law in Order to Make a Buck? on Technorati.

Robyn Good:
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