Kayne West Rants Says He Was Set Up By Today Show

Boo hoo poor Kayne West feels like he was set up by Matt Lauer on the Today Show.    Kayne West appeared today to explain his past mistakes – where does he start LOL there are so many?  What actually happened was he tried to  to backtrack on his comment that “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.”  Apparently he wanted to make amends for the comments.   He said:

“I would tell George Bush: In my moment of frustration, I didn’t have the grounds to call him a racist.  I believe that in a situation of high emotion like that, we as human beings don’t always choose the right words.”

However poor Kayne felt that Matt was asking him a series of “brutal” questions and making him feel “very alone” and “very tortured”.  So of course Kayne took to twitter to rant.  Copies of his twitter rant are below.


Robyn Good: