Kim Kardashian Talks Marriage On People Magazine Cover

I’m really trying to stay positive about this famewhore slutmonkey hogging the cover of People magazine, while others get shoved off to the side. An awesome actress DIED, people! Oh the humanity.

It’s a sad, sad day really when a most respected publication like People magazine puts this idiot front and center and gives an established actress like Jill Clayburgh a tiny box on the side.

Kim Kardashian should be ashamed that she has allowed someone who’s career wasn’t based around *sucking face (among other things) with some dude on camera — to be on the cover. Shame, shame!

Still, I said I was going to stay positive…so here goes: I’m positive that Jill Clayburgh should rise from her grave and knock the bejesus out of Kim and the Editors at People. How was that?

I weep for the future.

*I wasn’t trying to be crass

Roberta Ferguson:
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