Lady Gaga & Yoko Ono Perform the WORST Rendition Of ‘Give Peace A Chance’ [VIDEO]

Absolutely NO TALENT Yoko Ono and The Plastic Ono Band concluded two night’s of  shows called “We Are Plastic Ono Band”.   Last night her guest star was another no talent Lady Bla Bla GaGa.  Gaga later tweeted:  “WE ARE PLASTIC ONO. I got to sit in as a guest musician tonight, what a legendary band+mother, Yoko.”

Lady Gaga has become the self appointed representative of gays in the military a line-she inserted into the absolute worst rendition of John Lennon’s “Give Peace A Chance” (see video after the jump)  Apparently believing that having a cause will lend her some desperately need legitimacy.  Predictably, she was wrong and one can be sure that poor John was rolling in his grave.    The idea of a transparently phoney media whore like Lady GaGa trying to politicize and legitimize herself by grabbing onto the don’t ask don’t tell policy is insulting to the men and women who actually risk their lives in defence of the USA.  Neither the gay community nor gays in the military are behind Lady gaga’s foster adoption of this cause.    She wants to appear sympathetic, not like the billionaire media whore that she really is.

Robyn Good:
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