Lady Gaga premiered the epic nine-minute promo for her latest song – which features Beyonce Knowles – this morning (12.03.10) and revealed she was determined to incorporate elements of the director’s style in the promo.
She told ‘E! News’: “There certainly is a Tarantino-inspired quality in the video. I mostly love the way he uses different forms to create something new.” Gaga got Tarantino’s blessing when planning the video and he also let her use his ‘Pussy Wagon’ – a pick-up truck driven by Uma Thurman‘s character in his film ‘Kill Bill’ – in the short.
She added: “We were having lunch one day in Los Angeles and I was telling him about my concept for the video and he loved it so much he said, ‘You gotta use the Pussy Wagon.’"
In the video, Gaga is jailed, broken out by Beyonce, kills someone and makes a poisoned sandwich for a group of truckers. She also talked about how she worked with director Jonas Akerlund to achieve a “high art” feel to the video, which is something they achieved when they last collaborated for her previous single ‘Paparazzi’.
She added: “There was this really amazing quality in ‘Paparazzi’, working with Jonas really achieved this high art quality in the way that it was shot.
“I wanted to do the same thing with this video – take a decidedly pop song, which on the surface has a quite shallow meaning, and turn it into something deeper." Photo: Fame Pictures