Legal War Starting – Devon James’ Fraudulent Sex Tape Has A Ringer

As the noise surrounding the release of the purported sex tape featuring Tiger Woods and his mistress, Devon James, reaches cacophonic dimensions another loser has poped up trying to get a piece of the action.  Teneal Goyco a 29 year-old Philadelphia boxer claims he was paid $1000 by Devon and husband Nick to act as a Tiger look-a-like in the sex tape.

Of course Nick and Devon deny Goyco’s claims and have apparently instructed their legal team to contact Goyco’s attorney in an attempt to get him to deny his allegations of participation in the sex tape. 

So far Goyco is denying nothing – he says this past summer that he filmed the sex scenes with Devon and was dressed like Tiger in a Nike hat and sweater vest.  At least its good to see that Tiger is providing plenty of exposure for sponsor Nike, although inadvertently.  Won’t Nike be proud to see their emblem adorning the screen of thousands of morons watching the fake Tiger Woods sex tape… NOT!

According to Nick there are pre-sales of over $140,000 for the alleged sex tape and orders continue to roll in.  What makes us wonder about the veracity of Nick’s and Devon’s claims about the tape’s authenticity is their total failure to release even a few seconds of the tape’s footage – this would put to rest any doubts as to whether Tiger was on the tape as well as quash any claims Teneal makes as to playing Tiger.  When there is such an easy solution to a problem and yet it is not taken one is forced to assume that the tape is a fake.

Robyn Good:
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