Levi Johnston Regrets Apologizing to Sarah Palin

After Levi Johnson was briefly engaged to Bristol Palin he issued and apology to Sarah Palin which he deeply regrets.   Johnson told  CBS Early Show he never lies and wishes he had never said he lied about the things he said about Presidential hopeful Sarah Palin.   With Sarah’s political career I am sure she wishes she could make Johnson go away. 

Johnson said:

“I don’t really regret anything. But the only thing I wish I wouldn’t have done is put out that apology, ’cause it kind of makes me sound like a liar. And I’ve never lied about anything. So that’s probably the only thing. The rest of the stuff I can live with.”

Last week Johnson filied papers  to run for office in his hometown of Wasilla, Alaska, next year.   Apparently he is interested in running for mayor or city council.  Johnson is hoping he can be a better mayor than Sarah Palin was.  Johnson seems to think that running for mayor is a popularity contest and you don’t really need qualifications.  Johnson is so interested in politics he is willing to give up his pursuit of a career in  Hollywood for a couple of years.

When asked about ex-fiance’s Bristol’s doign  DWTS he repied “Bristol is just as hungry for the limelight as me”.

Robyn Good: