Life Goes On For Lindsay Lohan After Rehab

Life Goes On For Lindsay Lohan After RehabLife Goes On For Lindsay Lohan After Rehab

Hey wait a minute – the girl has barely began her rehabilitation – but already her management team, and what a misnomer that must be in her case, is hard at work drawing up plans for Lindsay Lohan to work as soon as she gets out of Rehab in 2011. Lindsay has recently expressed concern about her career and stumbling fashion line and the management team is preparing to have her address these issues as soon as she is released on January 3rd, 2011.

Related: Celebrity Justice: No Jail Time For Lindsay Lohan Back To Rehab

But one friend says the people who still care about LiLo’s well-being feel that she “shouldn’t be working the first week. She shouldn’t be working the first couple months. She needs to be attending daily meetings to stay on track for sobriety.” Another adds, “Lindsay needs to focus on herself for some time.”

Of course if Lindsay is serious about her rehabilitation then she will have to return to work gradually because she will need to attend meeting and keep up with her rehabilitation work if she is to stay sober. Substance abuse is not something one gets cured of while in a safe environment – in Betty Ford there are no drug or alcohol options so it is relatively easy to stay clean. Once on the outside, in the free world, the choices are much harder and while work is important Lindsay will need plenty of time to take care of herself.


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