Lindsay Lohan May Only Spend Two Weeks In The Slammer

Lindsay Lohan entered prison on Tuesday (20.07.10) to begin a 90-day sentence for failing to keep up the terms of her probation for a 2007 driving under the influence case, but her lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley believes she may end up leaving the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, California, before the end of the month.   She revealed: “It’s our expectation that Ms. Lohan will get additional time credit from her earlier times in custody and that would reduce her jail time.”
Lindsay was originally expected to stay in prison until August 1 or 2 due to overcrowding.

Meanwhile, it has been claimed that Lindsay is being helped by fans on the outside during her incarceration, with eight people ordering special gift packs for her from the Keefe Commissary Network Gift Pack Program.   Among the food given in the packs is tuna, cookies, pickles, peanuts, smoked oysters and powdered lemonade.  The food parcels may come at the right time for the troubled star as her arrival at Lynwood on Tuesday meant she was a day late to place her orders for food and drink for the following week, meaning she has been left to drink “water from that nasty sink in her cell”.

One jailer is even reported to have told the 24-year-old actress – who has made repeated requests for water – to: “Just drink the milk from the day before.”   According to gossip website TMZ, the facility is also receiving up to 100 telephone calls an hour from concerned supporters of the ‘Mean Girls’ star.

Image credit to Fame Pictures

Robyn Good:
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