Lindsay Lohan’s Father Has Hired A Security Team To Look After Her

Worried Michael Lohan – who is estranged from his actress daughter Lindsay Lohan and regularly talks about her to the media – claims he has bodyguards on standby in case the 23-year-old actress comes to any harm.   He said: "I am saying this once and mark my words.  If the people and paparazzi cause any harm to my daughter, heart attack or not, I am on the next plane and they are going to deal with me and my security team.  "If you doubt me, contact ‘Tako’ at and ask him or Lindsay. He has already been called and is waiting to leave. Hell may not have the fury of a woman’s scorn, but it can’t compare to the love and sacrifice a father has for his kids and family."

This news comes just days after Lindsay was allegedly pushed into a plant by a paparazzi photographer, although it has been reported the actress had been drinking.   Defending his daughter, Michael – who recently suffered a heart attack – told Hollyscoop: "It’s really easy to speculate and rely on sources, as to what people say or do, and believe me, from my own experience, most of the time it’s twisted or wrong. Put yourself in Lindsay’s shoes. If you were being badgered by paparazzi, trying to avoid them, while wearing high heels and shielding your face, what would you do? Do you think you might fall? Give me a break. Have a heart! When Lindsay is wrong, she is wrong, and I say it! But when she is right I will stand up for her."