Marc Jacobs To Create A Plus-Size Line

Finally someone has waken up in the fashion world and realized not everyone is a size 0.  Women of all sizes like fashion :-)  Marc Jacobs just may be the first high fashion designer to throw his hat into the plus-size market.  Marc Jacobs has been  in talks to do a line over size 14 and is doing research to see if there is a demand.  If?  There really is no question about it clearly there is a need.  They just have to make sure the clothes fits properly.

Marc Jacob’s business partner Robert Duffy said there is not official news yet but the line would not be available for at least another year.   Currently most designer clothes do not go beyond a size 14.

It is about time that the fashion world woke up just because a person is bigger does not mean they don’t care about the way they look.  Plus size women are treated like outcasts and have to go to special shops to purchase clothes.  In the past year the fashion & television world has started to show a new interest in fuller-figured women.  We can only hope they wake up and realize not everyone is a size 0 they put intense pressure on young girls to conform to an unrealistic stereotype.

Models like Emme, Crystal Renn & “Mad Men” star Christina Hendricks are role models  for young girls and women.  They are a nice difference to the usual difference of images of extremely thin models and celebrities.

Image credit to Fame Picture

Robyn Good:
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