Marijuana Smoking Snooki Caught!

Marijuana Smoking Snooki Caught!

During winter break 2007 Snooki was at a house party for a friend going back to college – (Snooki has friends that go to college??) – when she was caught puffing away on what looks exactly a marijuana joint. 
There seems to be little that changed in Snooki’s life over the last 3 years apart from her gaining weight and moving into a much higher income bracket!  Snooki was a hard partying chick before Jersey Shore and as these photos indicate, slimmer.  An old ‘friend’ of her’s says that Snooki was slimmer before she reached legal drinking age and could spend all her time in bars drinking.  The ‘friend’ says “Now you look at her and she’s out drinking at the bars every night and it’s showing!” 
We don’t buy the ‘bar’ explanation for Snooki’s becoming a chubster – she seemed to have spent all of her time partying and drinking before she reached 21 anyway.  More likely Snooki’s expansion is due to normal metabolic changes that occur in many people destined to be chubby as they leave their teens and enter their 20’s.  Its true that lifestyle changes like a healthy diet and plenty of exercise can influence these natural tendencies to fatten, but somehow we doubt that old Snooki is from the tribe of exercise and diet fanatics.
 Whatcha smokin’ there, Snooki?