Oksana Grigorieva Keeps Bad Company But Her Baby Lucia Can Not!

Or so Judge Scott Gordon ruled today as Mel Gibson’s Lawyers successfully sought to prevent Kristian Otto Herzog from being anywhere near baby Lucia. And who is this gigantic bald gun-toting man?   Well it turns out that Herzog is a twice convicted felon, each conviction involving firearms and he did almost a year in jail on the last one and is currently on probation for it.

Before Mel went to court to get the restraining order against Herzog he asked Oksana Grigorieva to keep him away from Lucia but Oksana refused. Lucia is only 11 months old and Mel understandably does not want her around a man like Herzog who has been arrested with knives in his boots and in possession of unregistered semi-automatic pistols while impersonating a police officer. Apparently Herzog is a constant companion of Oksana Grigorieva and thus spends a considerable time with Lucia. Since Mel takes excellent care of his children, keeping them out of the Hollywood madness, and making sure they enjoy a nice normal American lifestyle one can immediately see how he could never tolerate a man like Herzog being an integral part of his baby girl’s life.

The irony of Oksana’s behaviour is truly obnoxious: she claims that Mel is such a danger to her and the baby that she has sought restraining orders and other court interference and protection and yet she basically lives with a lunatic who impersonates police officers, carries semi-automatic unlicensed weapons, has an insane temper and several felony convictions for violent crime! The more we know about Oksana, her habits and lifestyle, the less we like her and the weaker her claims against Mel appear to be.


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