Oksana Grigorieva Will NOT Be Doing Oprah’s Show

Oksana Grigorieva won’t be doing the Oprah show and the reason for her not doing it is because her lawyers advised her not to.   TMZ is reporting that contrary to reports the judge is not gagging her it is a conflict between her lawyers.

Sources connected with the case tell TMZ there was a conflict between Oksana’s lawyers — Anne Kiley, her family lawyer, was strongly against Oksana doing the interview.  Sources tell us … Daniel Horowitz, who arranged the interview, wanted her to do it — as did Oksana — but ultimately Horowitz deferred to Kiley.

Maybe someone in Oksana’s camp smartened up and realized that having this women on television telling her lies and probably putting her foot in her mouth was not a good idea.


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