Oksana Has More In Her Bag Of Tricks First The Recordings, Now She Has Voice Mails

Okay enough already  this women so clearly set Mel Gibson up anyone can see it.    Every day something new in the “Mel Hell” saga.  So last week we were treated to all the conversations she taped between her and Mel.    We were suppose to believe her “Oh, My who released those recordings?”   Now TMZ is reporting that Oksana has voice mails of Mel that she kept.  Why am I sure that next week we will be hearing those voice mails?  Oh course, Oksana will say “Not me” after she sells them to the highest bidder.  Is it only me that  thinks it is odd last week when the tapes came out there was no mention of voice mails?  Hmmmm seems to me she has orchastred this and the press perfectly.  She is making sure to milk “Mel Hell” as long as she can. 

I can just see her in the future on the talk show circuit, books etc.  I am so over this women.  In the beginning I felt bad for her – but more and more it looks like she is a money grabbing gold digger who planned to destroy what little reputation Mel had left.  Ughhh I hope Mel gets even suing her and all this nonsense stops once and for all.

Image credit to Fame Pictures

Robyn Good: