Ozzy Osbourne Put Cocaine On His Toes

Ozzy Osbourne was ridden with fungus on his feet in the eighties so he did what any normal person only he would do – he put cocaine on his feet!

In a post for Britain’s Sunday Times magazine, he wrote about his love of the drug as a solution for athlete’s foot. He said, “Funnily enough, in the 1980’s I used to cure athlete’s foot by pouring cocaine on my toes. They cut the stuff with so much foot powder back then, it was the best treatment you could find if you had an outbreak on the road. The only problem was the price, which was around £3,000 a toe.”

An interesting cure for what ails you. If you can’t fix it with conventional methods, just put cocaine on it!

And right now, somewhere in the world, Lindsay Lohan is googling around for some old athlete’s foot powder….

Roberta Ferguson: