Pam Anderson Attacks Canada & Slanders Traditional & Native Canadians Over Seal Hunt

Well known imbecile Pamela Anderson wrote a letter and mailed it to Canada’s Prime Minister Steven Harper today.   The letter asks the PM to ban the annual harp seal hunt claiming that the eyes of the world are on Canada and that the seal hunt is an embarrassment to Canada.   Well we say "get lost Pamela."   We Canadians are proud of our seal hunt and more importantly, we live in a democracy with rule by law where neither the PM nor anyone else can arbitrarily cancel a long standing traditional activity just because spoiled out-of-touch freaks with fake breasts and low IQs like Pamela don’t like seals being killed.

I suggest Pamela write a letter to Obama demanding that KFC stop killing chickens by the millions and that McDonalds cease murdering harmless defenceless cows so that they can sell those billions of burgers. The point is that unless Pamela is prepared to demand that humanity make a decision to stop killing animals it is beyond absurd – it is disgusting in fact – to single out a small seal hunt in a remote region of Canada to attack as though it were somehow more barbaric or important than the activities that result in the killings and deaths of millions of animals each day for the perceived benefit of mankind.

Dr. Jody Overland:
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