Paris Hilton BUSTED for Cocaine Possession!

Paris Hilton was arrested in Las Vegas last night [8.27.10] for cocaine possession.  According to TMZ Paris was in a vehicle that the police pulled over the driver was arrested for a DUI and when Hilton was searched they found cocaine. 

Hilton was booked into the Clark County Detention Center early Saturday on the cocaine charge, Las Vegas police spokesman Marcus Martin said.   She was released before dawn on her own recognizance.

Officers found a white poweder they they thought was a drug and later tests showed that it was cocaine.   Police watch commander Lt. Wayne Holman said Hilton was released early Saturday morning.   He didn’t know how long she had been held or any details about a possible court date.  The man driving the car was charged with driving under the influence of drugs.

How exactly does she get release so fast?  Hmmm if it was me or you we would be sitting in the pokey.   Last time she was found in South Africa with pot on her they determined it was not hers …. poor Paris LOL it was all a friends fault.  I am sure somehow the cocaine will end up being someone elses.   Proves once again money can buy you anything, even friends to take the rap.  What do you think of this?

Update:  Paris Hilton has hired David Chesnoff who is a well know Last Vegas lawyer.  Since Hilton was released without posting bail it would apprear the amount of cocaine on her was small.  Also with Paris – her and her lawyer will probably try to convince everyone the cocaine was not hers. 

Robyn Good:
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