Paris Hilton Offered Plea Deal In Cocaine Arrest

Paris Hilton was busted the night of August 28th for felony possession of cocaine after an officer noticed a small “bindle” of coke that fell from her purse. Then, she claimed that the purse wasn’t hers, even though a Twitter photo proved otherwise.

Now, we’ve learned that Paris is being offered a plea deal in the case. She could get away with it if she pleads guilty to misdemeanor drug possession and lying to a police officer.

ShowbizSpy has more:

The Clark County District Attorney’s Office declined to discuss any details relating to the alleged deal, but said: “Possession of a controlled substance is a felony punishable by a minimum term of one year and a maximum term of four years.

“She may also be fined up to $5,000. This charge is probationable, so the court could sentence her to a term of probation, rather than prison time.”

She’ll probably get off on this charge with only probation, but I’m sure none of us expected any different outcome from this. Did you?

Roberta Ferguson:
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