Polanski victim Says Prosecutors Violated State Law – Meanwhile Polanski’s Wife says He Is “Marvelous”

The victim  Samantha Geimer,  in the  Roman Polanski’s rape case said that prosecutors failed to tell her of their effort to extradite the film director and therefore violated state law.   Los Angeles District Attorney’s office says this is not true – they claim they invited her to their offices to discuss the case but the meeting never happened.  Polanski and his lawyers are trying to get a sentence of time served and the person he raped and sodomized Samantha Geimer supports this.  Polanski has already paid Samantha off.  My question is – is the world crazy?  This man raped a child and it is looking more and more like he is going to get away with it.  Disgusting!

Meanwhile actress Emmanuelle Seigner Polanski’s wife says her husband is "marvelous".  Emmanuelle says that when the crime occurred in the 70’s, society viewed sex and drugs in a different light.  WTF is she talking about did I miss something – did the 70’s give someone the right to rape and sodimize children?  Somehow I don’t think so. Clearly Emmanuelle is not the "brightest light in the forest".    Just as repulsive as her husband he rapes children and she makes excuses for it ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…… Makes me want to vomit.  Photo: Flynet Pictures

Robyn Good: