Radio Personality Aids Sting Operation on Inside Edition

For years and years, Chris Markowski, the Watchdog on Wall Street,” has been a consumer advocate when it comes to educating the public in regard to investment opportunities versus investment scams.

As the nation’s youngest nationally syndicated radio host, Markowski has been asked repeatedly to share his solid financial opinions on major television networks like FOX News and CNN. On one such occasion this year, Markowski appeared on FOX News “Geraldo at Large” to warn consumers about scams in regard to gold sales.

On June 11th, the “Watchdog on Wall Street” will be seen on “Inside Edition” (times will vary across the country or check out the times at as part of a sting operation against fraudulent practices by annuity salespeople.

“It was great to be invited by ‘Inside Edition’ to help the fight against those who try to rip off our senior citizens,” claimed Markowski. “There are too many people out there trying to take advantage of our elderly citizens.”

“I am proud that a well known television program like ‘Inside Edition’ has taken steps to alert the public about annuity scams, and I am thrilled to be a part of the sting operation!”   “I have said for years that the best ‘get rich quick schemes’ come from con artists and I have tried to warn people through my radio programs, my newsletter and any other available avenues.”