Riddle Me This…Will Eminem Play ‘The Riddler’ In The Next Batman Movie?

“Dear Mr.  Mathers, though we hate to differ, we see you playing Robin, but not the riddler.”

Eminem wants to get back on the big screen and his role of choice would be The Riddler.  Eminem rapped to his reps:

 “When it comes to business, you know I ain’t no fiddler…You tell them Batman biggies, I wanna play ‘The Riddler!”

The National Enquirer is reporting that producers are interested in the rapper but Eminem has stiff competition they are also considering Johnny Depp and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.   

Eminem as the riddler makes perfect sense in that The Riddler loves to taunt his victims and law enforcement with clever rhymes-however The Ridder also demands of an actor that he be a dark forceful and charismatic with a stage presence that commands attention and respect.  This is where Eminem falls down-he is not and will never be physically imposing.  He just doesn’t have presence or charisma that a major character requires if the film is to be believable.  We see a better role for Eminem as a somewhat off beat Robin character.  What do you think?

Robyn Good:
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