Sacha Baron Cohen Attacks Gay Cameraman – Nope!

Sacha Baron Cohen Attacks Gay Cameraman - Nope!

Gay photog Mike Skiff seems to trump up charges against Sacha Baron Cohen who was out at the No versus Yes on Proposition 8 protest held in Los Angeles in 2008.  The crew of “Bruno” was there to help stir up trouble and to film it for use in their feature film.   Skiff claims that he was assaulted and seriously injured when he tried to film the incident.  I watched Skiff’s utube film of the event and there is no evidence that the “Bruno” crew assaults Skiff- if anything it appear that Skiff gets in the faces of the “Bruno” crew!  Watch the video yourself and you can see where Sacha enters at around the 5:25 mark.
In any case Skiff has filed charges with the Los Angeles Superior Court today – Somehow we doubt that the public prosecutor will spend taxpayer’s resources on this rather spurious charge.