Scientologists Chasing ‘The Bachelor’ Star, Shayne Lamas

Scientologists Chasing 'The Bachelor' Star, Shayne LamasScientologists Chasing 'The Bachelor' Star, Shayne Lamas

Shayne Lamas won ‘The Bachelor’ show and now the Church of Scientology is trying to get in bed with her.  They keep sending her bills for $1500 claiming that she donated that amount in 2004 but her check did not clear. 
Scientologist freaks love to have well-heeled stars amongst their ranks and would certainly want Lamas in their organization.  Of course, since Scientology is a business and cult, not a religion, their motives and actions can never be trusted.  It is important to rememeber that the Scientology’s founder and creator, the sci-fi writer Layfayette Ronald Hubbard, better known as L. Ron Hubbard, said “Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion.” 

TMZ also reports:  Shayne’s lawyer fired off a letter to the famous L. Ron Hubbard shrine in Hollywood, demanding the church quit sending her bills for $1,506.35 — claiming the bills are bogus … and that Shayne “is not now, nor ever has been, a member of your organization or the Church of Scientology.”

Lamas’ lawyers have contacted the Scientologists and they claim they will now leave her alone.

Dr. Jody Overland: