Spencer Pratt is trying to make a TV comeback, but this time, he is behind the scenes. The reality douchebag is planning to launch his own reality show, titled, The Inland Empire 909, which he boasts has a “”4.8 million viewers watched the finale of Jersey Shore”.a younger sexier cast”.
In the opening video for the new show, it says that He plans to try to take over that demographic with his new offering. The show is littered with curse words and a cast that Spencer himself says that he’s afraid of.
In an interview about the show, Spencer said, “Lauren from 909 is younger and more wild then J-Woww and they fight for real every night. They are the next level of reality TV. Where Jersey Shore and the East Coast has Snooki, the West Coast has T-Bone AKA Taryn, tearing it up! The 909 is the untapped, reality TV gold audiences have been waiting for.”
You can view the trailer for this project at Radar Online. The show has its very own version of The Situation, in the form of a guy who shows his abs, but he’s missing a belly button. He shows off the gross surgery scars from the bullet wound that he received.
Is Spencer trying to show the world that he’s hardcore? I ask because he’s failing miserably if that’s his intent. What do you think?