Teena Marie Died During A Nap

Yesterday, we were sad to report the untimely passing of a legend. R&B singer Teena Marie went to sleep and never woke up. She was only 54-years-old.

Now, it’s being reported that there were no illegal drugs found in her home. In fact, we’ve heard that she died while laying down for a nap on Sunday afternoon. According to reports, she suffered a grand mal seizure, which caused her death.

TMZ has more:

Friends say on Saturday night someone slept in the same room with Teena and left in the morning. Teena was talking with her bodyguard at around 11:30 AM. She went back to bed in the early afternoon — no one was with her when she slept. Teena’s daughter checked in with her at around 1 PM and Teena was fine.

But at around 3 PM, Teena’s daughter checked in with her again, and found her unresponsive.

The Coroner has said signs point to death from natural causes. But “natural causes” could be death from a seizure.

May she rest in peace.

Roberta Ferguson: