Dancing With the Stars has formally gone in the toilet – and deeply. Despite Bristol Palin’s totally inferior dancing yesterday the powers that be on the show have kept the “teen activist” around for another week! The klutz will be in the semi-finals! This is an outrage. It is grossly unfair to the other contestants and the audience.
The weekly trips home for Bristol to rehearse in front of Sarah and the other painful Palins just prove that the show is full of crap and has lost any credibility it may have ever had. Obviously the producers want to keep Bristol around for publicity sake to maximize advertising dollars – or they are in bed with that harebrained Alaskan malamute, Sarah Palin. Any way you look at it the show has fallen from bad to horrible. It should be taken off the air and subjected to a senate committee anti-trust investigation.
Of course maybe the Tea Party thinks that having a mascot like Bristol is worth dialing day and night and then voting dishonestly for Bristol. If this is their idea of fair play then they should really think about what they are doing.