The Guys Beat The Gals In The Battle Of The Summer Movies

“The Expendables” which I saw last night won at the box office Friday 13th, 2010.  They took in about $13.2 Million dollars and napalmed Julia Roberts “Eat, Pray, Love” out of the water.

I saw Sylvester Stallone’s The Expendables” last night the movie does not have academy award winning acting, it does not have a compelling story line but it does deliver exactly what its audience wants and expects.  The  movie is lots of fun it has guns & explosions and lots of one liners.  Sylvester Stallone knows his audiance and he know what they wants.  Let’s face it folks the alternative was to see a Julia Roberts movie – no thanks!  Maybe 20 years ago a Julia Roberts cute romance meant something….maybe, but at this stage of the game when Stallone and his gang of action, steroid packing super heros are still the toughest, roughest bunch of cosmetic surgery patients around.  Julia Roberts is just boring.  And the one thing you cannot afford to be in Hollywood is boring!

Robyn Good:
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