Tiger Wood’s Mistress Rachel Uchitel Tries On A Funny Hat


Tiger Wood’s mistress  Rachel Uchitel, 35,  stepped out at the West Hollywood eatery BOA steakhouse.

Rachel turned down a good offer to do her Masters.  Apparently, she has been accepted by two graduate schools.  She is certainly one smart lady to be accepted by two graduate schools.

Rachel revealed that she was suffering a lot of back pain.  When her doctor sent her for an MRI to see what was going on they found that the back issues were a small part of her problem.

Rachel found out that she had something wrong with her brain and she would have to undergo brain surgery, scary!  Rachel made the decision to have the surgery in Fall 2015.  Thankfully, Rachel came through the surgery with flying colors and Rachel had a lot of support through the process.

Rachel has moved on from the “Tiger Wood” scandal and now is married with a child and owns a children’s boutique.

We caught up with Rachel in West Hollywood and she was having a fun time with this adorable hate.  We wish Rachel the very best!

Robyn Good:
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