As it is, the media has an overwhelming and often biased effect on people’s voting decisions but turning the election process into a “for profit” enterprise run by the media/private enterprise is simply going too far. I’m sure some clever constitutional law experts can find grounds to prevent this travesty from taking place. And is it not a shame that we can not rely upon our corporate leaders to boycott such shows as these? Without sponsorship ideas such as these will be stillborn – a fate they clearly deserve.
The ability to elect leaders using a fair and unbiased system is truly the key to the USA’s undeniable claim to be the most successful democracy in history – in fact the most successful nation in history. How can we for even one minute consider allowing a TV show to take over and dominate the electoral process? Where are the assurances that media must offer to present a balanced coverage of all elections and the candidates therein. I find this whole Levi for Mayor thing extremely disturbing even though on many levels it is also absurdly comical. Normally, something this silly I would just let slide but because this obscene enterprise tampers with our most important democratic institution – free and fair elections – we must do our best to stop it before it takes off.
Image credit to Fame Pictures