Which Celebs Were Born On Your Birthday (02/16/2010)?

Which Celebs Were Born On Your Birthday (02/16/2010)?

John McEnroe 1959 Wiesbaden Germany
Tennis player, 1979-81 won 3 US Open singles, married Tatum O’Neal, known for his hot temper
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius – Ascendant: Libra

Christopher Boyce 1953 Santa Monica California
Secret agent, sold plans for satellite systems to Soviet agents in Mexico, imprisoned 1977, escaped 1980, recaptured 81
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius – Ascendant: Cancer

Vera- Ellen 1926 Cincinnati Ohio
Dancer, actress, began as Radio City Rockette, films in ’40s and ’50s include "Wonder Man", "The Kid From Brooklyn"
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius – Ascendant: Aquarius

Max Baer 1909 Omaha Nebraska
Boxer, won heavyweight title in 1934, acted in films, including "The Prizefighter and the Lady"
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius – Ascendant: Libra

Edgar Bergen 1903 Chicago Illinois
Ventriloquist, straight man for brashy puppet, Charlie McCarthy, Candice Bergen’s father
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius – Ascendant: Aquarius

Queen Anne 1665 London England
King James II 2nd daughter, married Prince George of Denmark, bore 17 children, only 1 survived infancy living to age 11
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius – Ascendant: Scorpio 

Robyn Good: