Who do Americans trust most in the world of celebrities? Forbes commissioned a survey of Americans to determine who they trusted most amongst celebrities and they made some predictable as well as some very surprising choices. Apparently numbers 1, 2, and 3 are James Earl Jones and Tom Hanks and Michael J. Fox – okay, no problem here. But at number 6 we have Sally Field – anyone who has seen this woman blabber on like a lunatic at awards shows could not possibly trust her judgement, let alone her sanity! What about Will Smith at number 8? This bird is verging on becoming a scientologist – who except another scientologist could trust him?
These people think that the famous swindler and sci-fi novelist L. Ron Hubbard was the messiah. They also ascribe to a philosophy that promotes and condones tax evasion and extortion. Bill Cosby was another shocker – coming in ninth place. I had to wonder if those surveyed forget that many years after the fact Cosby admitted to an extra-martial relationship that resulted in an illegitimate daughter, Autumn Jackson. This love child went on to attempt to extort millions of dollars from dear old dad. Now its true that people have affairs and don’t own up to them – this doesn’t necessarily make them the worst people on the planet but it certainly ought to disqualify them from making it into the top 10 of a most trusted list.